Saturday, August 18, 2012

Rainy Weekends

This is one of the first weekends in quite some time where we haven't had a full schedule of events, errands, chores, etc. Today has been a moderately lazy day, which has worked out perfectly, because the majority of the day has been rainy. Thank the heavens because we sure needed the rain and the cool air that comes with it is an added bonus.

B and I were talking today about how much less harsh this summer has been compared to last year's! It's exciting breaking records, but not if the record is how many straight days in a row we break 100 degrees! Ugh! Texas has been my home for several years now - more than half my life, but I will never ever get used to or "accept" the long, scorching summers. And I still dream about when we will eventually pack up and head somewhere with 4 seasons! One day...

My parents are in the process of selling their house. It's bittersweet. It's the home that we lived in the longest and my mom bought the house because she said she could see me walking down the steps in my wedding gown...


I think it took about a week or two after that for them to decide to put it up on the market. So, today we went by and picked up some of my old stuff that my parents had in their attic. Man - we found some gems... A journal about my 4th grade crush, a bunch of notes from junior high still folded in that funky little fold we'd do, a huge megaphone from when I was on pep squad (kept that since my hs reunion is in a couple of months...ha), and of course a whole box of what I call the "ex-files". I went through most of the stuff with my mom...we laughed a lot, teared up a bit. Like I said - bittersweet. I did keep a few items from the "ex-files" - a scrap book, some trinkets & pictures, etc. I wasn't sure but I remember when I was young that my mom showed me notes, drawings, etc. that she had kept from her "first love". I always thought it was so interesting and I debated back and forth on whether to keep any of my stuff to show my kiddos one day. Curious to see if other people have done the same...?

I think the greatest experience about today was that my parents bequeathed the nursery furniture that they used for all 3 of my sisters to us. It's the crib and the changing table and I didn't even know they still had it. It's old and vintage-y looking and I absolutely love it! Made it very real that we're at the age of considering starting our family and it's pretty exciting!

After that we made an afternoon of watching movies and relaxing. Today's laziness will mean tomorrow's productivity! We are embarking on a journey starting Monday - it's called the Whole 30 food challenge - It's structured on a Paleo style of dieting, but stricter and it is more or less a metabolic re-start/jump start into a Paleo lifestyle. Brandon and I have been talking a lot about health and change lately, and when a friend of mine posted about this challenge on facebook, I did some research and am very much looking forward to getting started. We'll be doing our grocery shopping and prep work for the week tomorrow. It will no doubt be a challenge, but we're both looking very forward to it and the benefits of embracing a "clean eating" lifestyle. I'll be sure to post about this journey and any recipes I come up with along the way!

Praying that the rain continues tomorrow along with that cool air!

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