Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Whirlwind Weekend and a Day to Remember

This past weekend was fast paced and exciting! Since the wedding, our weekends have been much calmer and relaxing. It was nice for a while to have that break, but I'm not one to waste away weekends on relaxation. Sure it's great to decompress a few hours each day or maybe Friday night, but life is too short and although this past weekend blew right by with everything going on, I loved it so! Now that the fall weather seems to be fighting through, I hope to have many more outdoor-filled weekends and adventures. Fall is by far my favorite season and I can't wait!

Friday night we went out with some of my friends to say goodbye to our fancy DC-living Lindsey. She's making a name for herself in the political world and until we have her back in TX permanently, we wish her the best and enjoy the brief visits we have with her! Lindsey is infamous for dragging us out to Billy Bobs - or Hoots...even worse (or better depending on how you look at it), but this time she threw us for a loop and we ended up in Kennedale, TX. Yeah, I know - you've probably never heard of it... None-the-less, we headed that direction and found ourselves in quite a fantastic Austin-like bbq restaurant/bar called Reds Roadhouse. They have live music outside every Thurs-Sat and the food was incredible. The service - eh, but still worth it overall. Might just become the new tradition!

Saturday morning started off bright and early with the Color Me Rad Run! I did the Color Run in Dallas in February, but I feel that this one was a bit more successful and my shirt turned out a lot cooler! The weather was gorgeous and it was a true "fun run". No chip times and we just had a good time with it! Only downfall was that it reminded me that I am no longer in the running shape I was about a year ago... It takes forever to build up a running endurance and NO TIME lose it! Which is unfortunate, considering I have a 1/2 marathon in a week & a half. Wish me luck!

So, by this point, I've accomplished quite a bit - friends, exercise, outside...but why stop there? I went on a "date" with one of my dear friends, Shannon. We don't get to see each other nearly as much now that she travels for work. We spent a leisurely afternoon at the Dallas Arboretum to check out the Chihuly Glass Exhibit. Stunning, amazing, etc.

I'm trying to dedicate more time to an interest I've always had - photography. That interest intensified when I studied abroad with the Photography Dept. at Texas A&M, in Germany. Ah, Germany...another story, another post... Although I don't have the fancy equipment and editing programs I dream of, I do the best with what I have...and I think I captured some great photos this weekend!

Sunday was a little more laid back. We did some housework and watched every football game! It's so wonderful having football back - just another reason to LOVE the fall!! Then, Sunday night our new foster dogger arrived! I've fostered pups in the past, but took a break for a bit. Now that we're settled in our house and have a yard again, I was ecstatic that B jumped on board with helping out one of my favorite local rescues: Dog Star. Ladies and Gentleman, meet Rufus:

He's as sweet as can be. We keep joking with Timmy that he better take a lesson or two or else we're keeping the foster kiddo and adopting him out. Obviously, joking, but Rufus really is a fantastic pup! He's only a year old and about 45lbs. Thus far he hasn't required much direction. As long as he is exercised properly, he seems to be mild mannered and ridiculously sweet. No accidents, no chewing... Maybe I should knock on wood... Get in touch with me if you're thinking of extending your family! He's definitely a keeper!

So, today wasn't the best day at work...there's some stress and drama there and I let it get me down a little today. But, then I stopped myself to reflect on my blessings. It angers and saddens me that it took what happened 11 years ago to bring our nation so tightly together, but I'm also grateful and have so much respect for all the men and women who did pull together and those that are still defending our country. I'm blessed to be home tonight with my husband and doggers and to have my family and friends. I think we should all always remember and reflect on today as we move forward as individuals and as Americans. I came across this article today...it was interesting to read about some of the "volunteers"...  The Dogs of 9/11

Goodnight and God Bless!