Monday, August 20, 2012

Whole 30 - Day 1

Well, I'm halfway through day 1 of the Whole 30 food challenge. For those that have asked it is basically a very strict Paleo diet that eliminates all gluten, dairy, processed sugar, alcohol and soy from your diet. Um, that's a lot!

We decided to embark on this journey for a couple of reasons, one being that Brandon is looking at a career change into law enforcement and there are many physical benefits to this type of diet. Also and more importantly, we both want to make a lifestyle change to eat much healthier on an every day basis. We ate generally healthy before this started and I often cooked for us at home, but there are so many things you don't think of regarding how much sugar is added to processed foods and all the chemicals that are used in foods now. We're both very excited to see where this turn takes us!

I also have several friends making the same switch. I think what we all agree on is that this is not a "diet", meaning a weight loss/short-term change in the way we eat, but a diet by definition: a) the food and drink regularly consumed by an individual; b) habitual nourishment. It's great to have people you socialize with on the same path and especially in this case because there basically has to be ZERO eating out for the 30 days.

Today -
We started off with a Green Monster Smoothie. This has become a bit of a craze and I found my first recipe for it on pinterest. There are literally dozens of versions, but I've tailored this one to be completely Whole 30 compliant.
- 1 banana
- 1 skinned apple (or leave the skin on if you'd like - I just don't like the texture)
- 1 handful/scoop of frozen or fresh pineapple
- 1 handful/scoop of frozen or fresh blueberries
- 1 handful/scoop of frozen or fresh strawberries
- 2 handfuls frozen or fresh spinach (about 1 cup)
- Ice/water as needed to reach desired consistency

Honestly - you can use ANY fruit - if you stick to tropical yellow/orange fruits it yields a bright neon green smoothie. Do not be alarmed! If you add in strawberries, blueberries, etc. you get a little more of an earthy brown/green. Either way it's delicious and nutritious!

Some people even add in carrots and cucumbers, but I like to keep the taste more fruity!

You can also pour smoothies into ice trays for a quick sweet snack or for portion control:

Mini Egg Muffins. These are also great for breakfast!

I quartered organic sliced turkey (check your ingredients!) and put a piece in each tin. I scrambled 10 organic, cage free brown eggs with homemade salsa (recipe below) and poured in each tin - about 3/4 full. Bake on 350 for about 15 minutes. Yup - it's that easy. Feel free to experiment with these - add spinach, onions, broccoli, peppers, etc. Anything you'd like to spruce it up. The salsa in it was the perfect mix! I might have to hide them from Brandon!

I had a fresh green salad with cucumber with tilapia. I used the salsa as dressing.
Fish is an awesome quickie meal. With tilapia filets you can even microwave them, which is what I did because it was late last night and I was tired and over cooking. So, I put the fish in a microwave safe dish, added about 1 Tbsp. of ghee, squeezed half a lemon and seasoned with some sea salt, pepper and garlic. It doesn't get much easier than that!
Almond crusted chicken breast with sweet potatoes and mixed veggies. OMG - delish and easy!! I had NO idea I liked sweet potatoes bc I always HATE the sweet potato casseroles at Thanksgiving. Well, they can be done Whole 30 compliant and oh so deliciously!

2 organic chicken breasts
1/2 cup raw almonds
1 egg
salt, pepper, garlic to taste

Grate the almonds with a food processor and spread onto a plate. Scramble the egg with the seasoning. Dip the chicken breast in the egg and then dip in grated almonds. We only did one side to save on calories. Repeat with second chicken breast. Bake on 350 15-20 minutes.

2 organic sweet potatoes
1 tbsp. ghee
Italian seasoning (make sure to read labels that nothing extra is added to the spice mix)

Peel and slice sweet potatoes into thin disks. Put potatoes, ghee and seasoning into a glass pyrex or baking dish. Baked on 425 until potatoes were tender.

Veggies were easy - just microwaved them with some ghee and seasoning.

This whole diet can be done pretty easily!

Ok - now for the homemade salsa recipe. This is also ridiculously simple.

In a blender:
6 whole tomatoes
2 jalepenos
1/4 of a white onion
4 garlic cloves
Cilantro (to taste)

Blend it all together...and done! :) I know! So simple

Now, friends - I am no professional cook and I'm AWFUL at keeping measurements, etc. I do a lot of measuring by taste. My theory is that you an always add more, so I keep it pretty light and just add more when necessary.

So - I doubt that I'll blog every recipe throughout this process. That's 90 meals, but today was just such a successful first day that I wanted to share. I do promise to share my favorites that I come across along the way though!

Have a great night folks!

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