Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Settling In to Settling Down

Whew...oh life how busy you keep us. I wouldn't/couldn't ask for anything different though.

We have been keep very busy and that's one of the reasons I haven't blogged in a while. The biggest change is that I started a new job a week and a half ago. Unfortunately the job that we moved to Ft. Worth for hit some hard times. But, everything happens for a reason and I'm learning a TON in my new position at a marketing firm in Irving. It's a little further from home, but B and I carpool a couple of times a week and it's worth the drive to be in a stable and healthy work environment.

Now that we're working on getting completely settled down in our home and our schedules I'm hoping that things will balance out some more and that I'll have more time for blogging, running and cooking again!

Some exciting things that have happened over the past few months:

We started fostering a sweet sweet 18 month old furbaby. His name is Rufus but I call him Roo Roofie Poofie, Ruf-a-sauras, etc. He will be such a great kiddo for his furever home. Still on the search for the perfect home for him.

I also had my 10 year high school reunion. It was so great seeing so many old friends. Honestly - most of my best friends are still the ones I went to HS with, but it was amazing having everyone in the same place at the same time as it rarely happens. It was definitely great seeing so many great people I hadn't seen in well...10 years!

Hopefully it won't be so long in between now and the next time!!



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